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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Edward Wade
Jenna Stone posted a condolence
Friday, March 1, 2024
So sorry for your loss of such a sweet gentle soul! Will miss his smile when I walk into the store! Fly high my friend....
From Mr. and Mrs. Stone (aka Chris and Jenna)

A Memorial Tree was planted for Edward Wade
Friday, March 1, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Murfreesboro Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Edward Thomas Wade uploaded a photo
Friday, March 1, 2024

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Tammy (Parker) Giles posted a condolence
Friday, March 1, 2024
There are so many memories that flood my mind when it comes to you, Eddie! It is so hard to narrow them down to only a few, but I will try. I will never forget sitting in your Mustang convertible for hours several times a week, sharing our deepest thoughts and all our hopes and dreams. I loved walking down the hall in high school, meeting up after every single class to exchange notes and poems we wrote to each other, hearing your voice singing to me "Tamara, Tamara, I love ya, Tamara. It's only a day away." I can still hear your voice! All the times we went to concerts together. Going to hotels after New Kids on the Block concerts, and getting lucky one time when we were given free second row tickets to the next show, you saying we were close enough to smell Jordan's feet. I remember the school dances, dyeing Easter eggs, dancing to Air Supply, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, hanging out in downtown Nashville, singing on the capital steps, dressing up to go to extravagant restaurants only to order strawberry daiquiris and not be carded, test driving cars when neither of us had any intention of buying. Losing touch for a few years and then you walking in with Heaven to our Girl Scout meeting. It was like something out of a movie. I'm talking to everyone. You walk in. Our eyes catch, and without another word, we both stop and run to one another, embracing like the long lost friends we were. There are so many memories! Way, way too many to tell them all here! I am so grateful for our friendship and I will forever treasure the memories we made together! You will live on in my heart forever, Eddie! In your first poem to me you said, "I love you, but more than that I like you. I loke you." I loke you always, my dearest friend!! Rest in peace knowing you made the world a better place just by being you!
About Us
Staff members of Murfreesboro Funeral Home & Cremation Services are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. These requests and traditions are of utmost importance to our staff of licensed funeral directors.
Our Location
Murfreesboro Funeral Home & Cremation Services
145 Innsbrooke Blvd
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128
Phone: 615-896-2229
Fax: 615-896-2394
Email: info@murfreesborofuneralhome.com