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4 tree(s) planted in memory of Emory Heyward, Jr.
Sue Sandell posted a condolence
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Sue and Janet,
I didn’t know about Emory’s passing until today, when a Christmas card I sent was returned “undeliverable.” I am so very sorry for your loss.
I was in your wedding, all those years ago. I wish we could have been closer all these years since.
I also wish I had new contact information for Sue.
Please know that I am praying for you both.
Sue Layfield Sandell
Suzanne Brunson posted a condolence
Monday, October 16, 2023
Our daughters went through school together and found out Janet’s mom was at Wesleyan College the same time as my sister - small world thing. The girls had lots of fun spend the nights! I remember Emory sitting in the den, smiling, as I either picked up or delivered my daughter. Sweet memories.
Janet posted a symbolic gesture
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I miss you, Dad.
Janet Heyward lit a candle
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thank you to everyone who took a moment to send condolences by way of a post, a card, flowers or even loving thoughts. The Heyward family appreciates your time and prayers more than you'll ever know. The death of a loved one, especially one as dear as this man, is never easy, whether sudden and painless or long and drawn out. Our hearts celebrate the fact that he will never feel pain or sickness again but we are shattered, and the loss of this special man will be felt by us every moment for the remainder of our lives. Thank you for helping us celebrate his life. He was an amazing, loving, intelligent, funny and charismatic man and there will never be another soul like him.
We love you, Dad. Forever and always.
Heather lit a candle
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

I dont have a memory because we never got the chance to meet but I want to say Thank you to Mr. Emory for the light he brought to my life. He holds a very special place in my heart. Through his journey with his wife they brought into this world one of my very best friends. She has a heart of gold and i know she had to get at least half of that from her father. For all the darkness and the light on his path in this life, Im thankful for the beauty he brought to this world in all the different ways he did, seen and unseen. Known and unknown. He has changed the lives of more than he even knows. Thank you Mr. Emory. I light a candle in your honor and in honor of your family
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 10, 2023 at 8:22 AM
Heather, I don't even know what to say... I love you so much and this means more to me than I can ever say. Thank you, for everything. You are such a bright light in my life and in the world. You know the struggles and you were there. I couldn't be more grateful for your unending love and support, my sister friend. I'll love you forever. He was a good man, and I can only hope to be at least half the person he was. ,❤️
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023

I have given this to him every Father's Day and Christmas for as long as I can remember. He always told me he was so glad to get it because his last bottle was almost empty. Sometimes I wonder if he even still enjoyed the scent, but he would never have told me if he didn't. This was one of his Christmas gifts but sadly he did not get to open the bottle this time. I will keep it and cherish it. There will never be a time that I will smell this without thinking of him and missing him terribly.
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023


Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023

His favorite thing when he was hospitalized. Vanilla milkshakes. Some days he would have several. That never hurt his feelings! I'll miss stopping for these and the way he pretended he didn't want one but would drink it for our sakes since we took the time to bring him one. Or two. ❤️
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023

He sure loved Molly, and it was most definitely mutual.
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 8, 2023

My two favorite people.
Janet Heyward posted a condolence
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Though I am dead, grieve not for me with tears,
Think not of death with sorrowing and fears.
I am so near that every tear you shed
Touches and tortures me, though you think me dead.
But when you laugh and sing in glad delight,
My soul is lifted upward to the Light.
Laugh and be glad for all that life is giving,
And I, though dead, will share your joy of living.
Source unknown
I love you with all my heart and soul, my sweet Dad. You will be with us always and although we are deeply mourning, we know that you are no longer struggling and frustrated. No more sickness, no more pain. For that we are truly grateful, although we miss you more than words can say.
Love Always and forever,
Your Baby Girl
Melissa Pettigrew posted a condolence
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Sending great love and condolences to you, Janet, and your family. What an amazing person and what a remarkable life your dad had. I know he was deeply loved. Whilst I did not know him, I feel like I do from what you have shared with me over the years and the lovely photos of him with your family. I will keep you all in my heart. Wishing you peace and strength.
Melissa Pettigrew
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 7, 2023 at 12:35 PM
My dearest friend, thank you. Thank you for your beautiful words and for always being there for me. I know you are all too familiar with this pain, and I so appreciate you listening to me and comforting me. I love you souch, fren! You mean the world to me.
Lance Ussery posted a condolence
Saturday, January 7, 2023
So sorry to hear about the loss of Emory. A truly great man. Always willing to lend me a helping hand with computer problems. I could also count on him to give me grief for being an Alabama fan. Much love to Mrs. Heyward, Janet, and my Brother from another mother Bo.
Jason Siemon posted a condolence
Saturday, January 7, 2023
My condolences to Bo and the family in this time of sorrow. I work with Bo and never had the chance to meet Emory, but it’s been a pleasure to hear stories over the years as we all love to tell stories of our father. He sounds like an amazing man and father who will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.
God bless and much love to you all,
Jason Siemon
Kent Thune posted a condolence
Saturday, January 7, 2023
I knew Emory as "Mr. Heyward," and as "Bo's dad." I was probably about 10 or 11 years old when I first met Mr. Heyward. My first impression was what I would today describe as stoic. In a child's mind, this can be a bit intimidating because the child sees little emotion on the surface. Think of Clint Eastwood or John Wayne.
On my first visit to Bo's house, we were sleeping in the basement. Mr. Heyward came down to make sure we were getting ready for bed. Just before turning out the light, he said, "Hey Bo, did you tell Kent about the hobo that wanders around at night?" For a moment, I was terrified, but then Bo told me it was just a joke. I laughed in relief but then thought how cool Bo's dad was to have such a funny sense of humor. I loved it! Now it's been over 40 years since that first meeting, and I crack a smile every time I think of that night. Since then, I knew Mr. Heyward as the best kind of dad a kid could have -- strong, supportive, funny, and always there when you need him. I'm thankful to have met Mr. Heyward and I can only imagine how many people he must have blessed in his lifetime.
Rest in peace, Mr. Heyward.
Your friend,
Kent Thune
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 7, 2023 at 12:20 PM
Kent! Thank you for sharing this. This is the first time I have laughed in days. He had a twisted sense of humor at times, and I know he passed that along to his kids. Thank you so much, I remember Bo telling me about this and wondering if you would ever come back over to our house. You were always such a great friend to my brother and one of his few friends that was nice to his annoying little sister. Thank you for this memory. All the blessings to you and your family.
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 6, 2023

Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 6, 2023

Bethany Ussery posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
So sorry to hear about Emory! He was a wonderful father and husband. He will be truly missed. All my prayers to your family! Love, Bethany Ussery
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 6, 2023 at 10:09 PM
Bethany, Bo told me about the night that you and Lance spent with my parents when we weren't home. I love that story and I'm so glad that you got to spend some time with them. Thank you so much for your words, they mean a lot to us. My mom has spoken of that night and remembers it fondly.
Nazelli Basilisco posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
My deepest condolences to you and your family Janet, on the loss of your beloved father. Although I didn’t know him personally, I know he was a great man, and a loving, caring father because he raised such a wonderful daughter. My heart goes out to your mother because I know it is hard to lose your life partner who meant the world to you. Hold each other close. I love you all. Nazelli Basilisco
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 6, 2023 at 9:24 PM
Oh, my sweet a friend! Thank you so much. You mean the world to me and your words are absolutely beautiful, just like you. Thank you for being with me through all of his ups and downs. I've always been able to count on you to be there and I love and appreciate you so much!
Greg lit a candle
Friday, January 6, 2023

Condolences. I love you Bo.
Don Carr posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
I only got to talk to Emory a couple times over the years. I knew him more from the many stores Bo would tell me . Some being funny father and son stuff when Bo did silly crap as a kid or when he did something cool and his dad was proud of him. Also the time Bo , who love rock music found out in his 40s all this time His dad liked Jimi Hendrix but never really told him and it blew Bo’s mind. I also enjoyed the many stories of the family dogs which is something close to my heart as well. Condolences and much love to everyone.
Geoff Whitcomb posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
To my brother Bo --
God bless you, brother, on your loss of your Dad. I know how much he meant to you, and all of the things you did to spend time with him and be close. God's got you in this, and I know that He will give you peace and support as you continue to honor your Pop and your family. "And God will bear you up, on eagles' wings, bear you on the breath of dawn, make you to shine like the sun...and hold you in the palms, of His hands." God's got your Dad, Mom, and Sister, and He's got you. Always. Count on it.
Your brother in Christ,
The Revs. Geoff & Myria Whitcomb posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep" (I Cor 15:20). His beloved University of Georgia Bulldogs may have won the National Championship of college football, but Dr. Emory S. Heyward Jr. won the championship of life, and will be seen again by all who call on the Name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May God richly bless his wife, son, daughter, and all who will forever cherish his life and memory.
Bo Heyward posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
Dad, we butted heads for a few years, but at the core of it, you were trying to help me forge a future. Because of you, and the work ethic you instilled in me, no matter how many times I wanted to be lazy and selfish, I learned you have to put the work in to achieve anything. In my 20's my dream was to have my own house, a German Shepherd, and a Ford Mustang. I accomplished that...due to lessons of putting in the time and effort. Dad, you were right more times than I can say. Thank you. I will miss you beyond explanation.
Janet Heyward Posted Jan 6, 2023 at 9:32 PM
He could definitely be hard on us, but in the end we know it's because he loved us so much. We were fortunate beyond measure that we got to have him as our dad. There will never be anyone else like him. I'll miss "goodness gracious" on Christmas mornings for the rest of my life. Love you, Bo.
Tawanda Hyder posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
My blessings for all of you during this hard time.
Jason Hyder posted a condolence
Friday, January 6, 2023
I know the pain of losing a father, my heart breaks for all of you. Nothing said can take away the hurt, just know you are all loved.
Racheal posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
I am so sorry about you and your family's loss. Love you.
Janet Heyward posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Q: What 3 words best describe Emory and why?
A: Loyal, loving, steadfast, hardworking, intelligent, strong, funny, generous... The list goes on. He was everything to his family.
Andrea underwood posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
So very sorry for your loss praying for yall
Janet Heyward uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, January 4, 2023




+ 6
There are no words for what he meant to us and how proud we were to have him. There is never enough time. Our love for him is endless and our heartbreak immeasurable.
Garry and Faleecia Taylor planted a tree in memory of Emory Heyward, Jr.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Garry and Faleecia Taylor lit a candle
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Sue, Garry and I are so sorry for the loss of Emory. He fought the good fight and was always such a good man. You, Janet and Bo
will be in our thoughts and prayers throughout the coming days.
Garry and Faleecia Taylor
Ronnie Grimes posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Sue we are so sorry to learn of Emory’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family during this time of loss.
Ronnie and Kathy Grimes
The Trapnell Family planted a tree in memory of Emory Heyward, Jr.
Monday, January 2, 2023

Thinking of the family & honoring Emory Heyward Jr. May you leave in peace but always surround us with love and joyful memories. Love the Trapnells. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Janet Heyward planted a tree in memory of Emory Heyward, Jr.
Monday, January 2, 2023

For you, my Dad. My hero and champion. I love you so very much! You will always be with me. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Janet Heyward lit a candle
Monday, January 2, 2023

Janet Heyward Posted Jan 2, 2023 at 6:59 PM
My sweetest daddy. I love you more than I can even express and will miss you every day until I take my last breath. It's hard to imagine a world without you. You have been through so much and I hate the suffering you endured, but that's all over now . Please tell Julia I love her. I can only imagine the joy you felt when you were reunited! I love you endlessly, my sweet Dad. You loved us so much! Thank you for everything! Rest now, you have earned it. My heart is broken, but you're whole again

A Memorial Tree was planted for Emory Heyward, Jr.
Monday, January 2, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Murfreesboro Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Emory Speer Heyward, Jr. uploaded a photo
Monday, January 2, 2023

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Dawn Swafford posted a condolence
Monday, January 2, 2023
My heartfelt condolences to the family. I remember spending nights over at Janet's house when we were in school. You could tell how much Mr. Heyward loved his family and they loved him. I pray for peace and comfort for all that knew and loved him.
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Staff members of Murfreesboro Funeral Home & Cremation Services are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. These requests and traditions are of utmost importance to our staff of licensed funeral directors.
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Murfreesboro Funeral Home & Cremation Services
145 Innsbrooke Blvd
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128
Phone: 615-896-2229
Fax: 615-896-2394
Email: info@murfreesborofuneralhome.com